Teaching Programme

Master in Astrophysics

The international MSc. Degree in Astrophysics and Space Physics is a 2-year study program entirely taught in English that provides state of the art knowledge and skills in the theoretical, observational and instrumental aspects of astrophysics and cosmology.

The program provides a broad choice of activities including hands-on sessions at the in-house optical telescope, data analysis of observations taken from the best instruments available at top facilities, high-performance numerical simulations of complex astrophysical systems and advanced classes in the new field of gravitational wave astrophysics.

The student formation is completed with a research project at the basis of a Master thesis, which can be carried out within the international collaborations of the astrophysics group.

The expertise and skills gained through the program will open a range of career paths both in national and international environments, either within academia or in the private and public sectors.

The call for applications for the academic year 2024/25 is now available here:


More information on the application procedure is available here:



The OPEN DAY 2024 was held on March 5th. The slides of the event with information on the MSc program for the academic year 2024/25 are available here:


PhD in Astrophysics

Doctoral research (PhD) programmes in Astrophysics aim at training highly qualified researchers with competences and skills in theoretical, observational and instrumental aspects of Astrophysics and Cosmology through the design and implementation of a 3-year research program (including a 6-month period abroad).

More information about the programs and calls for applications are available here

MSc/BS thesis

Bachelor Thesis

At the end of the three-year BSc, students must produce a Thesis based on a short research project of the duration of at least one month. The Thesis work must be written up in a short essay (generally no more than 30 pages) and provides the final 6 credits of the BSc. The essay has to be submitted at least a week prior to the defence date. The defence generally includes a 10-minute presentation by the student followed by questions from the Thesis committee.

The Astrophysics and Space Physics group offers a number of Bsc Thesis for interested students. Every year, around may, a questionnaire is circulated, in which 3rd year BSc students can pick they preferred thesis topic. This helps a better distribution of students among staff members. Students are then requested to contact personally their preferred potential supervisors to discuss about the thesis details.

Master Thesis

The final Master Thesis is the core of the scientific formation of MSc students. It is based on a project exposing students to the facets of original research for the first time in their career. Once the topic of the thesis is decided, the student is expected to familiarise with the literature and the relevant techniques, carry out novel research work (that can be theoretical, observational or data analysis related) and produce original results. The body of the work has to be written up in a scientific essay (the Thesis).

The Thesis has a minimum duration of eight months from the day the Thesis request form is handed in by the students, and provides the final 45 credits completing the student academic career. The final essay has to be submitted at least a week prior to the defence date. The Thesis defence generally includes a 20-minute presentation by the student followed by questions from the Thesis committee.

MSc Thesis are offered by all staff members of the Astrophysics and Space Physics group and cover a wide range of topics, including CMB studies, galaxy formation and evolution, compact object dynamics and gravitational wave emission and many more.

Thesis work can be carried out with an external supervisor, in agreement with (and under the responsibility of) an internal staff member. Part of the thesis work can also be carried out abroad, with support for the student provided by the Erasmus Traineeship program.

Students are warmly encouraged to contact potential supervisors among the staff members well in advance of the start of the Thesis period, to allow for a better planning of the Thesis work.